2017年1月3日 星期二

非選句型講義: Unit10 使役動詞

make/let/have + O + V
1. makelet以及have皆為使役動詞,當其受詞為「主動發出動作者」,後面須接原形動詞。
2. 另外,使役動詞get在接上受詞之後則必須以不定詞(to V)或動名詞(V-ing)來表示,即“get + O + to V/V-ing,受詞亦為「主動發出動作者」。

1. My mom’s phone call made me realize that committing suicide was not the answer. (我媽媽的來電讓我了解到自殺不是解答。)
2. Mr. Laurence had his daughter clean her own room.
3. Gina made me wash the car for her.
→ Gina got me to wash/washing the car for her.
let + O + V   …………
【例句】1. My parents don’t let me go on the Internet after ten o’clock.
2. The boss let his workers take a vacation after finishing the big project.
【練習】(1) 凱莉的父親不會讓她跟男生出去。
Kelly’s father won’t  let   her    go   out with boys.
(2) 那棟房子的主人允許當地的小孩在他們的大花園裡玩耍。
The owners of the house  let  the local children  play  in their large garden.
S + have + O + V
S + have + O + p.p.
(1) S + have/has/had + O + V → 表「受詞」主動做V
(2) have/has/had + O + p.p. → 表「受詞」被動接受p.p. 動作
【例句】1. Nancy has both of her sons help with the housework.
2. David always has his car cleaned at this car wash.
【練習】(1) 克萊兒讓她先生去店裡拿蛋糕了。
Claire  had  her husband  pick  up the cake at the store.
(2) 瑞秋去把頭髮剪短了。
Rachel  had  her hair  cut  short.
make + O + V   使…………
【例句】1. My boss often makes us work overtime.
2. The bad smell made people feel uncomfortable.
【練習】(1) 這個藥會讓你覺得想睡覺。
The medicine will make you  feel   sleepy .
(2) 男孩的媽媽試著讓他了解誠實的重要性。
The boy’s mother tried to  make  her son  understand  the importance of honesty.
ask + sb + (not) to V...
1. ask為不完全及物動詞,表示「要求」或「請求」。ask接受詞之後,因語意仍不夠清楚,所以常接不定詞片語 (to V) 作受詞補語,以使句子的意思完整。
2. 若要表達「要求某人不要做某事」時,則在to V前加not即可。

1. I asked Jack to bring a rose on that day.  (我要求Jack在那天帶一朵玫瑰。)
2. Don’t ask me to wear that skirt; it is too short!
3. That waiter asked William not to take pictures in the restaurant.


非選句型講義: Unit9 感嘆句

What + a(n) + Adj + N + S + Be...!
  How + Adj (+ a(n)/the + N) + S + Be...!
  How + Adv + S + V...!
1. 此句型為感嘆句,結尾須標上驚嘆號,中文表示「多麼……啊!」。
2.  what用來修飾名詞(N)how用來修飾形容詞(Adj)或是副詞(Adv)
1. How strange this idea would be to Japanese people!
2. What a beautiful flower it is!  (這是多麼美麗的一朵花阿!)
3. How delicious the chocolate cakes were!  (巧克力蛋糕是多麼的好吃啊!)

2. seldom/rarely/little/never... + Aux/Be + S...
1. 此句型為否定副詞(Negative Adv)的倒裝句,有「加強語氣」的作用。當一般敘述句裡的否定副詞置於句首時,要先使用助動詞或be動詞再接主詞。
2. 其他常見的否定副詞還有hardly (幾乎不)no longer (不再)not until (直到……才)等。
1. It seldom occurred to Aoki to visit Taiwan.
  Seldom did it occur to Aoki to visit Taiwan.  (青木很少想過要來臺灣。)
2. I knew little about Stanley's past.
  Little did I know about Stanley's past.  (我對Stanley的過去所知甚少。)
3. We will never see Daisy again.
  Never will we see Daisy again.  (我們再也見不到Daisy了。)

5. What + a/an + adj. + N (+ S + V) !   多麼……啊!
【補充】How + adj./adv. (+ S + V)! 多麼……
【例句】1. What a lucky guy you are (to marry such a good woman)!
2. How exciting the movie was! Let’s watch it again.
【練習】(1) 那些選手在比賽時跑得多快啊!
 How   fast  the athletes ran in the race!
(2) 「世界真美好!」老人感嘆著。
What     wonderful  world !” the old man sighed.

How + adj./adv. (+ S + V)!
【補充】What a (+ adj.) + N (+ S + V)!
【例句】1. How lucky you are to win the lottery!
2. What a good painting the boy has drawn! He must be very talented.
【練習】(1) 瑪麗阿姨,這些照片中的妳好美喔!
Aunt Marie, _how_ _beautiful_ _you_ _are_ in these pictures!
(2) 老人嘆息著說:「真是個美好的世界!」

_What_ a wonderful world!” sighed the old man

非選句型講義: Unit8 疑問詞+不定詞=名詞片語

Unit8 疑問詞+不定詞=名詞片語
疑問詞 + to V
【例句】1. Lucy showed me how to cook a turkey.
= Lucy showed me how I could cook a turkey.
2. Nobody told me what to do next.
= Nobody told me what I should do next.
練習】(1) 你可以告訴我要把這張桌子放哪裡嗎?
Can you tell me  where    to    put  this table?
(2) 我會告訴你何時停車。
I will tell you  when    to    stop  the car.

非選句型講義:Unit 7 so…that


1. When meeting my old friend on the street, I was so happy that I invited her to see a movie with me.
2. Jim always speaks so fast that I can hardly understand him.
3. Carrie was so sad that she couldn’t eat anything.
→ Carrie was in such a sad mood that she couldn’t eat anything.

S + V so that S + may/might/can/could V …   為了要……
【說明】so that引導表示「目的」的副詞子句,子句往往需要以「情態助動詞加動詞」表示,口語時也可直接以so來連接。
【例句】1. Jim quit his job last week so (that) he could prepare for the exam. 吉姆上星期辭掉工作,以便準備考試。
2. I work hard so (that) I may save enough money to buy a house of my own.
【練習】(1) 你能相信彼得熬夜是為了能玩線上遊戲嗎?
Can you believe that Peter stayed up   so    that  he could play online games?
(2) 這位女士大量運動,以便能保持苗條。
The woman exercises a lot   so    that  she  can  stay slim.