2017年1月3日 星期二

非選句型講義: Unit3習慣用動名詞做受詞的動詞

V + V-ing
【說明】有些動詞後面,若再接動詞,只能用 V-ing 的形式,作為主要動詞的受詞。此類動詞有:avoid (避免)、enjoy (喜歡)、finish (完成)、想像(imagine)、keep (保持)、practice (練習)、deny (否認)等。
【例句】1. The workers kept digging even though it was quite dark.
2. You will get into big trouble if you don’t finish writing your report.
【練習】(1) 我們應該避免犯同樣的錯誤。
We should  avoid    making  the same mistake.
(2) 保羅無法想像吃飯沒有肉。
Paul couldn’t imagine  eating/having  a meal without meat.
enjoy + V-ing/N   喜愛……
【例句】1. More and more young people enjoy traveling independently.
2. I enjoyed the visit to England.
3. Would you mind buying a cup of coffee for me?
【練習】(1) 我真的很喜歡帶我的狗到鄉下去走走。
I really enjoy taking my dog for walks in the country.
(2) 你吃完早餐了嗎?
Have you  finished   eating  breakfast?
find + O + OC   發現
【說明】find 後面接受詞,受詞後面接受詞補語,受詞補語可為形容詞、過去分詞、現在分詞。
【例句】1. He found it difficult to finish his project before the end of the month. 他發現要在月底之前完成他的計劃有困難。
2. There was a house on the top of the hill. Mr. Brown found it deserted. 山頂上有一棟房子,布朗先生發現它是廢棄沒人住的。
3. John found his wife weeping alone in their room.
【練習】(1) 唐納發現有個流浪漢住在地下室。
Donald found a homeless man  living  in the basement.
(2) 她發現窗簾後面藏了一台相機。
She found a camera  hidden  behind the curtain.
(3) 大部分的學生都覺得這個笑話很好笑。
Most students find this joke very  funny .

