2017年1月3日 星期二

非選句型講義: Unit6 虛主詞it

It + takes + 時間 + for sb + to V....
  It + takes + sb + 時間 + to V....
此句型表示「某人花了多少時間做……」,it為虛主詞,代替後面的真主詞to Vtake 表示「花費」之意,若將人放時間後面,則要加介系詞for

1. It took ages for Gino to get around his bicycle factory.
  It took Gino ages to get around his bicycle factory.
2. It took nearly a year for Dick to find a job.
  It took Dick nearly a year to find a job.
3. It took four days for us to finish painting the whole house.
  It took us four days to finish painting the whole house.

It is (was) N/adj. + that S + V …
【例句】1. It is not strange that some people prefer to live alone.
2. It is a good thing that you can shop online nowadays.
【練習】(1) 你在寫書是件好事。
 It   is  a good thing  that  you are writing a book.
(2) 她不能再生育實在很悲哀。
 It   is  sad  that  she could not have another baby.
It + be + Adj (+ for sb) + to V....
  To V... + be + Adj (+ for sb).
此句型的真主詞為不定詞片語 (to V),當不定詞片語較長時,可以虛主詞it代替;因此本句型可還原為 To V... + be + Adj (+ for sb).for sb表示「對某人而言……」,可視情況省略之。

1. It would be romantic for me to find my Mr. Right online.
  To find my Mr. Right online would be romantic for me.
2. It is very convenient for me to shop on the Internet.
  To shop on the Internet is very convenient for me.
3. It was not easy to do so much homework in half an hour.
  To do so much homework in half an hour was not easy.
It is adj. + to V …   做……是……的
【說明】(1) it在句中為虛主詞,代替原本的主詞to V …
(2) It is adj. for sb. + to V… 對某人來說做…………
【例句】1. It is dangerous to play with fire.
2. It is impossible for Joseph to finish the report by Wednesday.
【練習】(1) 要做這個決定是很困難的。
It was  hard    to    make  the decision.
(2) 跟著你工作一段時間對艾蜜莉來說是件好事。
It is good  for  Emily   to   work with you for a while.
It + be/V + adj. + (for somebody) + to V …. (對某人來說)做……是……的
【說明】虛主詞it用來代替後面的真主詞 to V,可讓句子看起來更加精簡。
【例句】1. It is dangerous for women to walk alone on the streets at night.
2. It seems easy to find books in the library.
【練習】(1) 透過星座了解人的個性很有趣。
  It   is interesting   to   learn about people’s personalities through their horoscope.
(2) 這些折價券值得你保存下來。
  It   is worthwhile for you   to   save these discount coupons.

3. When it comes to + V-ing/N…, S + V ….   說到……;提及……
【例句】1. When it comes to writing business e-mails, many young people seem unaware of some basic rules.
2. David is second to none in our class when it comes to English.
【練習】(1) 說到參加葬禮的穿著,人們通常穿黑色衣服。
 When    it    comes    to    dressing  for a funeral, people usually wear black.
(2) 說到抽菸時,許多人都不知道其中隱藏的危險。
Many people don’t know the hidden dangers  when    it    comes
  to   smoking.

